Here we go!
Here we go!
Dr Jan Rapp
MD and Founder of Biogas Academy
Senior Advisor to The Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas (2022)
In "How to avoid a climate disaster", published in 2022, Bill Gates highlights the need for technologies supplying renewable energy alongside wind and solar power. That same year, while large parts of Europe were struggling to find new suppliers of natural gas, Denmark moved away from dependency on imported, fossil gas. Strategic investments in new technology made it possible for Denmark to provide a growing share of national gas consumption with biomethane, a non-fossil gas made locally from waste.
Biogas Academy was founded to educate policymakers and business trendsetters on the many advantages of biogas technology, allowing 24/7 production of a non-fossil energy that can be stored in huge quantities in infrastrucure operational today.
Our ambition: to support biogas technology becoming a part of energy production and waste recycling in every city, region and country. With investments in biogas/biomethane snowballing in the US, Europe and Asia our vison is now becoming reality.
This website bears witness to this development and explains why it is so beneficial. For all of us.
August, 2023:
Denmark covers 39% of national consumption of "natural gas" with biomethane
Denmark covers 39% of national consumption of "natural gas" with biomethane
Please try this at home!
Denmark is a European leader in green energy transition and the share of biomethane in the national grid is growing at a record pace. Just how fast and other interesting info including "the Danish Biomethane Experience" is available at
In August 2023 the share of biomethane reached an impressive 39,4 %. The monetary value of Denmark´s biomethane production during the first eight months of 2022 was USD 500 million. Millions that remain in the Danish economy instead of paying for imported Russian gas. Link to article in danish
August 8th, 2022:
EU Commission grants Italy € 4,5 billion to increase production of biogas/biomethane
EU Commission grants Italy € 4,5 billion to increase production of biogas/biomethane
“The Italian aid measure will help Italy meet its emission reduction targets, reduce its dependence on Russian fossil fuels and improve its security of gas supply while limiting possible distortions of competition.” Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice President EU Link to article
Our two minute film about EU´s plans to support biogas/biomethane production and about Hagelsum Biogas, where government support has been key in making magic. More on Hagelsrum "In practise/making biogas".
March 8th, 2022:
EU Commission presents REPowerEU replacing 20% of Russian gas with biomethane
EU Commission presents REPowerEU replacing 20% of Russian gas with biomethane
Two weeks after the Russian invasion of Ukraine the EU Commission presented its plan for making the EU independent of Russian gas. The plan includes covering 20% of gas consumption by a fast increase in biomethane production within the EU member states. Link to article
December 7th, 2021:
Biomethane Industrial Partnership supports rapid scale up of production & use of biomethane
Biomethane Industrial Partnership supports rapid scale up of production & use of biomethane
From the alliance Biomethane Declaration, December 7th 2021:
"Biomethane has a long-term role to play in the future climate-neutral energy system, to meet the “Fit For 55” reduction targets for GHG emissions (55% by 2030). Furthermore, biomethane contributes to sustainable agriculture, rural jobs that are hard to displace and recovery of waste streams. Biomethane therefore should be scaled up rapidly across the EU."
"Biomethane finds use across the economy and has a particularly high energy system value in:
- industry (for high temperature heat that cannot be electrified, or for biogenic carbon feedstock);
- power (to balance the grid with storable and dispatchable energy);
- transport (for long distance heavy transport and maritime that cannot easily be electrified);
- buildings (in existing buildings with gas connections through hybrid heat pumps)"
"By 2027 Denmark could cover 100% of gas consumption with biogas"
Ole Hvelplund, CEO Natural Energy
Ole Hvelplund, CEO Natural Energy
There is a lot rotting in Demark
Europe´s largest producer of biogas/biomethane is Natural Energy. Expanding to France and North America, the company has attracted interest outside Denmark and in November 2022 Natural Energy was acquired by Shell for close to 2 billion USD. CEO Ole Hvelplund: "If we (= Denmark) want to politically, by 2027 we could substitute 100% of the natural gas Denmark is consuming with biomethane from waste."
August, 2020:
Investments in Californian biogas/biomethane production surpass USD 1 billion
Investments in Californian biogas/biomethane production surpass USD 1 billion
Ahead of Europe
The Biogas2.0 investment boom we are now seeing in the EU started in California, USA. With a projection of 140 production facilities up and running within the state by 2024, August 2020 saw investments surpassing USD 1 billion, 77% of this coming from private equity. Link to article
Our advisors include:
Potentials, substrates, anaerobic digestion
Pål Börjesson, Professor Environmental and Energy systems, Lund Instititue of Technology
Thermal gasification, potentials, substrates
Henrik Thunman, Professor Thermal chemical conversion, Chalmers Institute of Technology
Sectorial/economical synerigies, energy systems
Mats Eklund, Professor Environmental Technology & Management, Linköping University
Biomethane as vehicle fuel, regulatory mechanisms, emissions
Björn Fredriksson Möller, Senior advisor, st1, Sweden
Ellenor Grundfelt, expert, Swedish Gas Association
Biomethane as maritime fuel, regulatory & market mechanisms, practical use, logistics
Lars Höglund, CEO and captain, Furetank Shipping
Marcus Jacobsson, Terntank Ship Management