Examples of clever use of biomethane
1.Global leaders in low emission shipping. With biomethane.
Furetank Shipping, Donsö Island, Sweden
1.Global leaders in low emission shipping. With biomethane.
Furetank Shipping, Donsö Island, Sweden
Not a giant but a leader - Furetank Shipping
A world first, Furetank Shipping successfullly fuelled a LNG tanker with biomethane in 2018. True to the Donsö Island tradition of caring about staff and environment, the family owned operator has developed the Vinga Fure ship series. Sparing no cost or detail to slash fuel consumption and emissions, the result is tankers in operation 2022 that are complying with emissions targets set for 2050.(!!!!)
Coinciding with a meeting of the International Maritime Organization in August 2022 the Fure Vinga moored next to Tower Bridge in central London. On board, policymakers from around the world were walked through "tomorrow´s shipping today" leaving them in complete awe. "Now we know what to aim for through our policy work" was a shared sentiment.
"It was an eye opener for me to see this"
Jeff Lantz, Director of Regulations, US Coast Guard
Four minute film concluding the spectacular and very productive visit to London
Furetank with relentless CEO Lars Höglund pushes on, changing not only shipping but also the energy production landscape of Sweden. Long term contracts for liquid biomethane for Furetank´s Swedish fleet plays a major role in the financial plan for the new biomethane production facility "Eskilstuna Biogas" .
Ride the biomethane bus to Venice Beach
As a leader of sustainability, California has kept an eye on biomethane (US: RNG, Renewable Natural Gas) for a long time. (see movie below) The well functioning 198 biomethane powered buses of the Big Blue Bus company in Santa Monica has paved the way, and now neighbouring Los Angeles has set the same targets: the entire fleet of
2 200 buses are switching to biomethane. (April 2022 update: 1,417 buses) Preferably made from cow manure, since that gives the company financial benefits according to the California Low Carbon Fuel Standard.(rngcoalition.com)
Intelligent guests, intelligent cooking.
The Nobel Banquet kitchens, Stockholm
The Nobel Banquet kitchens, Stockholm
When the Nobel Banquet menu is revealed to participants, the gastronomic creativity of the Stockholm City Hall kitchen staff is proving itself at the highest level. What remains unknown to most of the guests and laureates is that in these kitchens, even the very stoves are clever. Starting 2019, the Stockholm City Hall kitchen gas stoves use climate neutral biogas.
And yes, sorting of organic kitchen waste (such as the leftovers from the Nobel Banquet ) has for many years been practiced by the staff. Waste that is then recycled into biogas at one of Stockholm´s biogas production facilities.
Paris, France:

Just like Norwegian City of Bergen, the French public transport authority Ile-de-France Mobilités has found biomethane powered vehicles ideally suited to the requirements of the public transport network of the Greater Paris area.
With the fuel derived from recycling the city´s own organic waste, the buses deliver major environmental benefits, noise reduction and improved air quality. Fine particle emissions are reduced to almost zero and NOx emissions by more than a third. The Urbanway’s natural gas engine cuts noise level by 50% improving travelling conditions for drivers, passengers and residents alike. Link to news post.
Coca-Cola, Switzerland:

Realizing the benefits of driving on non-fossil fuel from recycled waste has become the way of
Coco-Cola Switzerland. Read about how the idea came up and the experiences from operating this Green Deal Fleet in interview with Sustainability Manager Patrick Wittweiler at cng-mobililty.ch
Botkyrka Municipality, Sweden:
One of Swedens leading municipalities when it comes to sustainability and circular economy, Botkyrka in the Southern parts of Stockholm, rolls on biomethane. With a nearby biogas production facility turning sorted household waste into biomethane and eco-fertilizer, staff and inhabitants are closing the local loop when fueling their cars with the result of what their own family members threw in the brown bin three weeks earlier.
Terntank Ship Managment,
Donsö Island, Sweden:
Donsö Island, Sweden:

Second ship owners in the world (the first was Furetank Shipping also on Donsö island in the Gothenburg archipelago) to fuel LNG tankers with liquified biomethane. "We are going for 100% bio, this is just the beginning", says Chairman of the Board Tryggve Möller. Here with staff and Terntank Ship Managements other two co-owners Rigmor Möller and Annika Kristensson. Image: with dr Jan Rapp, Global Game Changer Award 2019 (www.terntank.com)